I plan to write a series of posts talking about dichotomies as a mean to express my ideas about contemporary classical music and its future. A dichotomy, which is the division of a subject into two opposites, allows us to better understand a subject and coupled with a scale between the two extremes, it gives us a more accurate idea of where the subject currently stands. Some of the dichotomies I plan to use are: Beauty-Ugliness, New-Old, Interesting-Boring. And when I say contemporary classical music, I mean the music that is being composed in the present day.
The dichotomies in music
Written by admin on
About admin
I am a composer that was born in Mexico City. I came to Los Angeles to Study piano with Mario Feninger and then studied composition with him, too. I compose classical music: choral, symphonic band, wind ensemble, orchestral, chamber and piano music. I have received awards: My first piano concerto was selected to be included in the series Masterpieces of the New Era, I was selected McKnight Visiting Composer by the American Composers Forum in 2019. I have 3 CDs out and I am currently in my Opus 35. My works include 2 piano concertos, 2 oratorios (one to be released soon), art songs, choral works, piano works, a string quartet, a wind trio and many works for the piano. View all posts by admin »