The Nightmare and The Dream

This work tells the story of the emergence of the state of Israel through the efforts of Theodore Herzl.  The work consists of five movements, or sections. The first one describes the problem that the Jewish people faced in Europe through the clash of Christianity and Judaism and the religious persecution that such conflict created.   The second section is about Theodore Herzl, how he woke up to the problem and started to apply himself to its solution.

Herzl in Basle in 1903 at the Sixth Zionist Congress.

Then the third movement gives us Herzl’s plan to build a Jewish State, as well as his vision of that future  state. Those three sections have already been composed. The fourth movement will cover the Zionist Congresses and Herzl’s most notorious efforts to establish the Jewish State. The fifth and last movement will be about the pioneers and the establishment of the State of Israel after Herzl’s demise. I estimate the work will last 50 minutes and it is  written for choir, brass ensemble, 2 saxophones and soloists. I have a video that will give you a taste of the work as well as an insight into my motives for doing it. Click here to watch it.

David Ben- Gurion reading Israel’s Declaration of Independence in 1948 under the picture of Theodor Herzl